• GSJ formalizes relations with the Geological Society of Korea
The Geochemical Society of Japan (GSJ) concluded MOU with the Geological Society of Korea (GSK) at the GSK-Korea Society of Mineral Resources and Petroleum Engineering Joint Session in Jeju island, Korea on 29th of October, 2015. The signed agreements intend to build collaborative activities between two societies. In attendance for the ceremony were President KAWAHATA, Hodaka (GSJ), vice President YAMAMOTO, Koshi (GSJ), a board member SUZUKI, Katsuhiko (GSJ), President CHEONG, Daekyo (GSK), next President HUH, Min (GSK), past President KIM, Kyu Han (GSK), and a chair of Geochemical section YUN, Seong-Taek (GSK). Please see pdf file for details of MOU.
President of GSJ