How to join us:
Application on the website
Please click the button, and go to the Application screen.
Application by mail or FAX
Please send the Application/Modification form for membership to the below address.
From October 1, 2004, the Society office moved to:
The Geochemical Society of Japan
c/o International Academic Printing co., Ltd.
4-4-19 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0075 Japan
TEL: (+81)3-5389-6304 FAX: (+81)3-3368-2822
E-mail: click here
The Geochemical Society of Japan (GSJ), founded in 1953, is open to those professionally engaged in or associated with geochemistry and neighboring sciences. Membership is approximately 1000, of which about 10% are students. More than 50 people join from 20 countries.
Any individual who is professionally engaged in or associated with the geochemical sciences may become a Member of the Geochemical Society of Japan. A student may become a student member at a reduced rate.
Supporting member:
Corporations, academic institutions and other organizations and individuals
interested in the geochemistry and wishing to support the Geochemical Society
of Japan may become Supporting Members. A supporting member has the same rights
and privileges of a Member.
GSJ membership benefit:
- To receive a discount on article processing charge in Geochemical Journal (Article Processing Charge: APC)
- To receive one of the GSJ journals (Chikyukagaku, in Japanese) without charge.
- To subscribe GSJ Newsletter (in Japanese) (print and electronic form if you wish).
- To attend annual meetings and the Goldschmidt Conference at a reduced rate.
- To be candidates of the awardees of the Student Excellent Presentation Award in the annual meeting.
- To be eligible to candidates of the awardees of the GSJ awards.
- To apply Torii-Inoue Endowment for travel support or to convene a meeting.
The current dues structure for the Geochemical Society membership is as follows
- Regular Member : 10,000 yen per year
- Student Member : 5,000 yen per year
- Student Membership discount fee : 7,000 yen for 2 years
- Student Membership discount fee : 9,000 yen for 3 years
- Supporting members : start at 20,000 yen per year with an optional addition(s) of every 20,000 yen per year.
- You will receive the invoice from GSJ office at the end of each year. If you wish to pay the dues by a credit card, download the form below and mail to GSJ office.
- If you fail to make a payment for three years, you will lose your membership of the society. You can reinstate your membership by paying all delinquent dues.
The Geochemical Society of Japan Office
Coming meeting program:
The Geochemical Society of Japan holds Spring and Fall meetings (Spring meeting is involved in the Joint Meeting with other Societies in Earth and Planetary Sciences) each year which cover all areas of the geochemical sciences. |
Publications of society journals:
Geochemical Journal: A peer-reviewed international research journal, published bimonthly. It includes Articles, Notes, Letters, Critical Comments and Invited Reviews. Total pages per year are about 500 and approximately half of papers are submitted from outside of Japan.
Chikyukagaku: A peer-reviewed domestic journal written in Japanese, published by quaternary.
These journals are distributed free of charge to all the members.
Withdrawal notice:
A written document shall be mailed to GSJ for withdrawal.
The document should include a withdrawal notice, name, address as registered, and membership number. It should be mailed to GSJ Office,
c/o International Academic Printing co., Ltd.