
カナダのTom Pedersen教授から以下のような動画による気候変化についての講義のサイトの案内がありましたので、紹介いたします。

I'm writing to let you know that the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions released this week the first of four free, animated, lay-language online short courses on aspects of the climate-change challenge. The series is entitled "Climate Insights 101", and the first course (with three more to come over the next year), "Climate Science Basics" is now freely available to anyone with access to the internet. You can find the introduction and four-lesson first course, a 2.5 minute trailer, and a media release on the PICS website at


Thomas F. Pedersen, PhD, FRSC, FAGU
Executive Director, Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions
University of Victoria
PO Box 1700 STN CSC
Victoria, BC, Canada
V8W 2Y2
e: picsdir@uvic.ca
tel: 250 853 3595
fax: 250 853 3597
web: http://pics.uvic.ca